Acupuncture For Headaches and Migraines.

Does Acupuncture really work for headaches?

There is no treatment that fits all, however many people report having a decrease in frequency and intensity of headaches after Acupuncture treatment. Most headaches are caused by increased tension and can be effectively improved with Acupuncture treatment.

How long does it take for acupuncture to work for headaches?

Again this varies from person to person, some report an improvement after just one session and some require a course of treatments before seeing an improvement and some may not notice any change at all. But if you are someone who regularly has to take medication for beaches then Acupuncture would be a worthwhile alternative to try.

How many sessions of acupuncture should I take for a headache?

It’s difficult to say as everyone responds differently but I would recommend at least 3 sessions before deciding if its working or not. Then maybe you can book a session when you feel increasingly stressed or like a headache is coming on. Some people just schedule a monthly appointment to keep the tension in their head at a level which doe not induce a headache.

Where are the Acupuncture points for headache?

There are many different Acupuncture points that can be used for treating headaches, these can be on the head, face, shoulders/neck or hands usually. Your Acupuncturist will explain where they plan on putting the needles so you are aware of what will happen during your treatment session. If there are any points you feel uncomfortable about please let your Acupuncturist know.

Acupuncture Works for Migraine also?

Yes Acupuncture research has been shown to be effective for those suffering with migraines. Again clients report a decrease in intensity and frequency after having Acupuncture sessions.

Here is a link to some further information on Acupuncture.

If you would like to schedule an appointment for Acupuncture for headaches or migraines please contact me HERE.


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